Friday, October 18, 2013

Learning Through our Mistakes

Sometimes with all the new ideas going around and the push to continue to "change" in education, we feel frustrated. Frustrated that we will never get it "right". Frustrated that we sometimes feel like we are merely changing for the sake of change. Frustrated that we are exhausted and overwhelmed. Frustrated that there will never be enough time in the day. Frustrated that our to-do list continues to increase without anything being deleted! Just. Plain. Frustrated.

Last week, I read a couple of articles and had some conversations with co-workers which all had a common theme: We learn the MOST through our mistakes.

It takes me back to one of the most LIFE changing (not just career changing) books I have ever read. As our campus knows well, we must have a growth mindset to be happy and successful in education.
This is a quote form the author of Mindset, Carol Dweck, that says it pretty well:
"In a growth mindset, you don't always welcome the setback, you were hoping to move forward, but you understand that it's information on how to move forward better next time. It is a challenge that you are determined to surmount. In a fixed mindset, a setback calls your ability into question." -Carol Dweck, 2013 interview

So, let's share, discuss, and debate the things we are trying in our instruction. We don't want to change for the sake of saying we did or taking someone else's word for it. We will make mistakes, they are inevitable. The important part is how we learn from them and apply it. The more we share that learning with others, the better we become for our kids. I truly believe this will lighten all of our loads. We are in this together. Let's talk about what IS and more importantly, what IS NOT working with our kids. And then, we will adjust and improve. A little at a time will add up to make a significant difference. The biggest question is: HOW DO WE KNOW? It's simple: THE KIDS WILL TELL US. Let's pay attention! This is a GREAT reason to spend time looking at and discussing their work. (See previous post.)

The other articles I mentioned are listed below:

Growth Mindset oct-2013

Daily Cafe-Tip of the Week-Oct 11, 2013

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